Dental Fillings

Dental fillings help maintain the integrity of your teeth and prevent further decay in the event of a cavity. They become necessary when cavities or tooth decay compromise the structure of your teeth. If you experience tooth sensitivity, pain or notice visible holes or dark spots on your teeth, it is time to consult our dentist at A’s Dental Care. Early detection of cavities allows for prompt intervention and minimizes the risk of more extensive dental issues.

During the dental filling procedure, Gregorio Joseph Aquino, DDS will first remove the decayed portion of the tooth, clean the area and then fill the space with a durable material such as composite resin or amalgam. The process is generally quick and straightforward, providing immediate relief from discomfort and preserving the natural appearance of your teeth.

Dental fillings not only restore the structural integrity of your teeth but also prevent further decay and damage. By addressing cavities promptly, you can avoid more invasive dental treatments, such as root canal therapy or extractions. Dental fillings in Port St. Lucie, Florida, are a cost-effective and efficient solution to maintain your healthy, beautiful smile. Call us at 772-348-0588 today to schedule your regular appointment to see if you may need one.

Call 772-348-0588 to schedule your appointment with Gregorio Joseph Aquino, DDS today and learn more about our services

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