iTero® Digital Scanner

Revolutionizing the traditional dental impression process, the iTero® digital scanner brings forth a seamless and efficient way to capture detailed images of your teeth and gums.

Say goodbye to uncomfortable molds and messy impression materials. The iTero digital scanner comes into play when our dentist aims for highly accurate digital impressions for various dental procedures. Whether you are considering braces, clear aligners, crowns or bridges, iTero digital scanning ensures a comfortable and precise experience.

Embrace a hassle-free dental visit as the iTero digital scanner eliminates the need for goopy impressions. The scanner utilizes advanced technology to capture detailed 3D images of your oral structures swiftly and painlessly. Gregorio Joseph Aquino, DDS will guide the handheld wand over your teeth, creating a virtual model in real-time.

Experience enhanced comfort, accuracy and speed with iTero digital scanning. The digital impressions allow for better-fitting dental appliances and restorations. Patients appreciate the immediate visualization of their treatment plans, fostering a deeper understanding and engagement in their oral health journey.

Our iTero digital scanner in Port St. Lucie, Florida, marks a paradigm shift in dental impressions, ensuring a more pleasant and precise dental experience at A’s Dental Care. Call us at 772-348-0588 for any questions, or schedule your next visit with us.

Call 772-348-0588 to schedule your appointment with Gregorio Joseph Aquino, DDS today and learn more about our services

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