Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a versatile and common dental service that can address various oral health issues, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. Whether you are dealing with a damaged tooth or looking to enhance your smile, dental crowns offer a reliable solution.

Dental crowns become necessary in multiple scenarios. If you have a severely decayed tooth, a cracked or chipped tooth or a large filling that compromises the tooth’s structural integrity, a dental crown may be recommended. Additionally, crowns are often used to cover dental implants or protect weak teeth after a root canal. They restore both the functionality and appearance of the affected tooth, ensuring a lasting solution to various dental concerns.

Dental crowns are usually a multi-step process. Gregorio Joseph Aquino, DDS will assess the tooth, remove any decay and then shape your tooth to accommodate the crown. Impressions are then taken to create a customized crown that fits seamlessly. A temporary one may be placed while you wait for your permanent crown. The final step involves bonding the permanent crown to your tooth, ensuring a secure and natural-looking result.

Dental crowns in Port St. Lucie, Florida, offer a myriad of benefits, including improved tooth strength, durability and protection. They restore the natural appearance of the tooth, enhancing your smile and confidence. Crowns also play a crucial role in maintaining proper bite alignment and preventing further damage to weakened teeth. With proper care, dental crowns can provide long-lasting solutions, promoting overall oral health and well-being. We invite you to call A’s Dental Care at 772-348-0588 to schedule your visit with our dentist, Dr. Aquino, to learn more.

Call 772-348-0588 to schedule your appointment with Gregorio Joseph Aquino, DDS today and learn more about our services

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